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Syria Facts

If there is one country that is the most misunderstood then it is Syria? Because Syria is a country teeming with history and culture. However, Syria is known for being dangerous and always at war. What is the reality of Syria?

Even with war, the people of Syria are strong and resilient. Discover the vibrant population of Syria that showcases a deep love for their country.

Where is Syria? It is a country that is in the Middle East. Syria is on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. This greatly historic country is next to Turkey, Iraq, and Jordan.

The basics of Syria are clear in terms of geography. The country is located in the heart of the Middle East. Syria is a jewel.

Syria is a country that has found itself at the crossroads of civilizations. A melting pot of sorts historically.  From the breathtaking ruins of Palmyra to the bustling streets of Damascus, Syria offers a unique blend of architectural wonders, vibrant traditions, and delicious cuisine.

1. Syria is an ancient historical place with one of the oldest cities in the world

Not many countries can boast the history that Syria does overall. Syria is home to one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, so this country is overflowing with incredibly long heritage and traditions. Many may assume Greece or even Egypt has older history but it is Syria that is longest. This is a country with diverse traditions and populations.

If we look at Syria, there is history dating back over 11,000 years. This is an incredible thing to admire because the capital city of Damascus has been continuously inhabited and settled ever since ancient times.

For example, Damascus has been affected by many invasions. The many groups who have entered Syria over the many hundreds of years include Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Nabataeans, Mongols, the French, and even Romans. In 2025, the Old City of Damascus is best described as a confluence of alleys. Today, Damascus is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which is protected.

2. Syria is the world's largest refugee crisis

The plight of refugees affected by the longlasting civil war and conflicts has been challenging and tragic. Moreover, of the almost 5 million people who have left Syria for freedom, safety, and opportunities it is around 75% or more that are women and children. The crisis and conflicts began in 2011 within Syria that has since caused this massive refugee crisis.

The statistics are tragic as now more than 14 million Syrians are refugees. These Syrians were forced to leave their homes in search of safety and freedom. What is more tragic is that now more than 7 million Syrians remain displaced even in their own country. The humanitarian crisis is challenging indeed.

 Lastly, around 70 percent of the population in Syria is in need of humanitarian assistance for living day to day. Today in 2025, about six million Syrian refugees reside and stay in the five neighboring countries. The countries that have the most Syrian refugees are Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt. In Europe, Germany is the largest country with almost 1 million Syrian refugees.

3. One of the earliest libraries in the world was in Syria

Historically, the first library possibly in the world had initially existed in one of the first kingdoms in Syria. The library was located in Ebla, and was housed within one of the earliest libraries ever recorded in history. This discovery was made by Italian archaeologists who found  20,000 tablets in 1964. It was shown that the materials were classified on shelves according to subject and more in what would be a modern day library.

History is no stranger in Syria as has been claimed that very early settlements go far back.  In today’s Syria, such as Tell Brak, these areas may date back to at least 6000 BCE.

The claim of the earliest library challenges historical records set by present day Egypt. The new discoveries and development of this library, and letters based writing system, is a breakthrough. Because the library is dated to around 2300 BCE. In the past, before the Syrian library discovery, any writing system based on symbols is from 1800-1900 BCE in Egypt. Syria is clearly a land of history, surprises, and more future discoveries.

4. War and Conflict have been a way of life for Syria in recent years

War is ugly and civil war is worse. It is The Syrian civil war that has been ongoing between the Ba'athist Syrian Arab Republic. Some of the sects or clans fighting in the past had been led by former Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Also, part of Syria was lost During the Six-Day War when Israel captured and got most of the Golan Heights.

The recent tensions erupted in Syria in 2011. Why? Because in Syria there were domestic and foreign allies in conflict. Moreover, within Syria, there are various internal and external armies and mercenaries. Sadly, today Syria is the home to the second deadliest in 2025.

The violence and wars got worse when Iran launched a military intervention in support to help the Syrian government in 2014. Moreover, Russia has since followed starting in 2015, which had changed the balance of the conflict and made things more violent and dangerous in Syria.

Overall, what is still unraveling today, despite Assad being out of Syria started in March 2011.  The Arab Spring protests clearly caused a brutal and severe crackdown by former leader Assad and his regime at this time and it only got worse. Today, the disagreements and civil war are still brewing.

5. Some of the First Humans of the World are from Syria

The history in Syria is incredible. Because  in Syria the first recorded evidence of humans is from  c. 100,000 years ago. This was documented and  evidenced by discoveries of human skeletons, ceramics, crude tools, and other artifacts.

The Dederiyeh Cave near Aleppo in Syria has some of the most ancient sites in the world. This cave has produced a number of important discoveries like bones, placing Neanderthal habitation much earlier than realized in this part of the world.

The evidence shows that the oldest traces of human presence ever found in Syria is contesting older discoveries in Africa as well. Moreover, there are areas nearby in the Levant that humans preferred because they are favourable zones. Moreover, in Syria, the Oldest known alphabet discovered was in an ancient Syrian city. This is vital because archaeological findings show that this evidence is 500 years older than many realized. All in all, there are a lot of ancient records and artifacts among Syrian tomb treasures that have still yet to be found.

6. The First murder to ever happen in the world was in Syria

In Syria, there is the  oldest evidence of murder. Historically, Paleontologists have organized and documented a 430,000-year-old skull in Syria. The findings have reported a forensic analysis that directly shows injuries to the skull. What is important about this is that it represents the oldest and most direct evidence of murder.

According to scientists and many experts, historically Syria is where the first murder took place because of the age of the skull. Who was it? Apparently, through many records and traditions, it is surmised that Cain, the son of Adam and Eve, killed his brother, Abel, near Damascus in present day Syria.

All in all, that would mean that this murder in Syria happened 430,000 years ago. The mountain and cave area where the murder took place in Syria is called Maghārat al-Dam (the Cave of Blood).

7. ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) was declared in Syria and Iraq

A tragic fact that is hard to hide is that Isis, the Jihadist militant group, established a caliphate in Syria initially. The Isis forces and soldiers set up a state governed under strict Islamic law, which is a caliphate. This happened as well in Iraq, that the caliphate was put together in 2014. It was an area within Syria that had controlled many miles of territory in Syria and Iraq.

Isis, also known as the Islamic State, is claimed to be a militant group. Isis follows a radical and extremist interpretation of Islam. Isis is dangerous and has been behind numerous and various terrorist attacks worldwide.

All in all, Isis had control of about a third of Syria. Isis had set up and conquered the northern Syrian city of Raqqa, which it deemed its nominal capital. One of the goals of Isis is to have an Islamic state. The Isis or Islamic state would for the benefit be from Aleppo in northern Syria to Diyala province in eastern Iraq.

8. Syria does not have an official religion, and its constitution advocates freedom

Many people may be surprised to know that Syria is not a Muslim country by constitution. In Syria, there are of course different Muslim groups, but the country also has Christians and more. In the past, Syria used to be much more Christian than it is today as well.

In terms of the Christian groups in Syria, there are denominations that include Greek Orthodox, Syriac Orthodox, Maronite, Syrian Catholic, Roman Catholic and Greek Catholic. But, today the rule is that Islam does indeed influence many if all areas of Syrian life. As well, today, it is law and in the constitution, which states that Syria’s president must be a Muslim as of today.

Overall today, religion is a complex mix, showing the country’s rich and varied history. In the past,  Christianity in Syria had a lot of lineage and importance. It was Syria that had the oldest Christian communities in the world. Still today in Syria you can find Christian history  dating back to the first century AD.

9. There is a valley in Syria where four countries meet

Like the four corners of the United States that brings together four states in close proximity there is the Shouting Valley. What is special about this place? Well, Shouting Place is the meeting point of four separate countries: Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Israel.

Today, the Shouting Hill is a hill in the Golan Heights of Syria. If you check this area out, the Shouting hill is near the Druze village, which is around Majdal Shams. Today, this part of Syria is occupied and controlled by Israel.

With Israel and Syria being across from each other you could literally communicate to each other. Before any state of war, in the Shouting Valley, you can use this area for telecommunications or mail being across the border.

What makes this area and hill special is the nature and landscape. The Shouting Valley in actuality is an “echo point.” In the past, people would often use and try to scream or better yet communicate with people especially relatives on the other side of the area or mountain and valley.

10. Long time ruler Assad has been replaced with a new leader in 2025 for a big change in Syria

Today, Syria’s clear and ultimate leader, Ahmed al-Sharaa, is ruling the country. In the past, it was Assad who ruled and influenced Syria for a long time.

Bashar al-Assad is the former ruler and some say dictator of Syria. Assad served as president of Syria from 2000 until his government was overthrown by Syrian rebels in December 2024. When Assad was president, he ruled the Syrian Armed Forces and the main party; Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party. Assad’s father ruled Syria from 1971 until his death in 2000.

Only recently did Mohammed al-Bashir lead the Syrian Salvation Government from Idlib, which overthrew the past government. This Islamist militant organization led by Al-Bashir is what caused the overthrow of Assad in December 2024.

Today in early 2025, the current leader al-Bashir has promised to permit Christians and other minorities to continue and be free of intimidation. The freedom to practice your religion without interference is the key. In the future, there are plans to hold elections in Syria in at least 4 years.

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