The hype for Capcom‘s upcoming fighting game Street Fighter 6 reached a fever pitch with the reveal of its launch roster earlier this year. Fans were thrilled to see the return of classic World Warriors like Ryu, Ken, and Chun-Li alongside exciting newcomers such as Luke, Jamie, and Kimberly. However, sharp-eyed players noticed that four characters from a massive leak in June were conspicuously absent from the official lineup.
These mystery fighters – Akuma, Ed, Rashid, and a brand new face known only as AKI – have fighting game enthusiasts buzzing with speculation. Who are they and what role will they play in Street Fighter 6? While Capcom has remained tight-lipped, we can piece together clues from the leaks and past games to get a sense of what these shadowy brawlers will bring to the table. Let‘s step into the arena and size up each of these unrevealed characters.
The Raging Demon Himself, Akuma
First up is a fighter who needs no introduction, the demonic martial arts master Akuma. Debuting as a secret boss in Super Street Fighter II Turbo, this self-styled "Master of the Fist" has terrorized opponents with his lethal Ansatsuken style and Satsui no Hado ("Surge of Murderous Intent") abilities for decades. With his blood red hair, glowing eyes, and jet black gi, Akuma is an iconic and fearsome sight in any Street Fighter game.
The version of Akuma seen in the leaked Street Fighter 6 artwork depicts him much the same as ever, though his gi appears even more tattered and he‘s sporting a wicked grin. Fans can expect the usual Akuma mix of powerful strikes, multi-hitting combos, and dark energy-infused specials that made him a powerhouse in Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike and Street Fighter IV. His V-Skill and V-Trigger, new mechanics introduced in Street Fighter V, will likely see some refinements for this latest outing.
Narratively, Akuma always stands apart from the rest of the cast as a force of pure chaos and destruction. He is obsessed with seeking out worthy challengers to test his skills against, especially his rival and brother Gouken, as well as Gouken‘s students Ryu and Ken Masters. In Street Fighter III, it‘s revealed that Akuma also did battle with Gill, the leader of the Illuminati, so perhaps that rivalry will be rekindled in SF6. Whatever the case, expect him to show up when you least expect it and unleash all manner of pain.
The Bandaged Brawler, Ed
First introduced in Street Fighter IV as the "Bandaged Boy", Ed is a synthetic human crafted using M. Bison‘s DNA. Bison intended for Ed to be his backup body, imbuing the youth with latent Psycho Power. However, Ed was freed from Shadaloo‘s clutches by Balrog and now fights to make his own way in the world.
In Street Fighter V, Ed appeared as a fast, feisty fighter using a custom combat style that mixed boxing, kickboxing, and Psycho Power abilities. His moves had meme-worthy names like "Psycho Snatcher" and "Psycho Rising", showing that he hasn‘t abandoned his villainous roots completely. That said, Ed is one of the few characters to walk the line between hero and villain, rejecting Bison‘s influence but avoiding full commitment to the side of good.
For Street Fighter 6, the leaked artwork shows an older Ed sporting a blue-and-yellow hoodie, his blonde hair spiked to the heavens. It‘s hard to tell what other changes have been made to his appearance or moveset, but Capcom will likely expand on his Psycho Power mastery while adding some new pugilistic tricks. Hopefully we‘ll also get clarity on where his allegiance lies in the battle between good and evil.
The Turbulent Wind, Rashid
Making his debut in Street Fighter V, Rashid of the Turbulent Wind is a thrill-seeking hero from the Middle East who uses his Parkour-based fighting style and control over wind to deadly effect. With his high-tech visor, billowing white shawl, and easy smile, Rashid brings a breath of fresh air (pun intended) to the series.
In SFV, Rashid‘s unique moveset centered around manipulating tornadoes and projectiles to control space and keep opponents on their toes. He could summon slow-moving whirlwinds, unleash quick wind blasts, and even ride gusts of wind around the stage for quick crossups. For his Critical Art, Rashid created a massive tornado that sucked in and brutalized the opponent.
Story-wise, Rashid is an ally of good who travels the world seeking new adventures. Street Fighter V saw him aiding Ryu and Karin in their search for the pieces of the missing chess set, as well as butting heads with series villain F.A.N.G. His official artwork for Street Fighter 6 doesn‘t seem radically different from what we‘ve seen before, so his inherent goodness and fun-loving personality will likely carry through.
While relatively new compared to Street Fighter veterans, Rashid won many fans in his first appearance with his unique abilities, charisma, and endearing friendships with Azam and Zeku. Hopefully Capcom expand on what makes Rashid special in Street Fighter 6, perhaps with new wind powers or story elements. He‘ll certainly bring a fun, fresh perspective to the cast.
The Femme Fatale, A.K.I.
Last but certainly not least is A.K.I., the sole brand new character seen among the leaked Street Fighter 6 roster artwork. With her stark white hair, feminine black dress, and claw-like hands, A.K.I. presents a striking and deadly first impression.
Though we know nothing official about A.K.I., several rumors and theories have cropped up in the months since her artwork leaked. Some believe she is tied to existing series villain F.A.N.G. in some way, perhaps as a protégé or bodyguard. Others have pointed to her unnatural hands and claws as evidence that she has undergone modifications similar to the Doll agents or is some kind of android. Whatever her background, A.K.I. looks to be poised as a dangerous new adversary.
In terms of gameplay, A.K.I.‘s dress, clawed hands, and stilettos suggest an agile, mobile fighter who gets up close and personal. Capcom has shown a willingness to think outside the box with the SF6 newcomers, like the drunken boxing antics of Jamie, so hopefully A.K.I. brings something both novel and fun to the table. Her design certainly doesn‘t fit the traditional martial artist mold, so expect the unexpected.
If she is indeed connected to Shadaloo in some way, A.K.I. could bring some intriguing new wrinkles to the ever-expanding Street Fighter storyline. Perhaps she is jockeying for control in the power vacuum left by M. Bison‘s defeat, or has ties to other criminal elements like the Secret Society. Until we get official details though, we‘ll have to content ourselves with wild speculation.
Release Rumors and Possibilities
So why weren‘t Akuma, Ed, Rashid, and A.K.I included in the initial Street Fighter 6 roster reveal? The simplest explanation is that Capcom wanted to focus on the brand new characters debuting in the game and leave some surprises for later. It‘s also possible that the four mystery fighters are still under development and weren‘t ready to be shown.
The prevailing theory among fans is that these characters will be the first wave of DLC following Street Fighter 6‘s launch. Given how robust and diverse the base roster already is, Capcom may be holding back heavy hitters like Akuma as post-launch content to keep players engaged long-term. If they are DLC, it‘s likely they‘ll come with additional costumes, stages, and other goodies to sweeten the deal.
There‘s also the chance, however slim, that one or more of these mystery characters will end up being unplayable NPCs in Street Fighter 6‘s expanded story mode. Capcom has already shown they‘re taking the narrative elements in a more ambitious, RPG-like direction this time around, complete with open world exploration and side quests. Akuma or A.K.I. appearing as end bosses or playing key story roles isn‘t out of the question.
The Final Round
No matter when or how they arrive, the four leaked Street Fighter 6 characters each bring something unique and exciting to the table. Akuma‘s mastery of dark Ansatsuken arts is legendary, Ed‘s internal struggle between good and evil is compelling, Rashid‘s wind abilities are a breath of fresh air, and A.K.I.‘s femme fatale vibe is instantly intriguing.
While Akuma and (to a lesser extent) Rashid have established fanbases from previous appearances, Ed and A.K.I. have only begun to make their mark on the Street Fighter universe. Will Ed continue down the path of righteousness or succumb to his Psycho Power? Is A.K.I. a hero, a villain, or something in between? These are the kinds of juicy narrative hooks that a robust story mode could really dive into.
Considering Street Fighter‘s 35th anniversary and the scope of the game, it‘s a safe bet that Capcom has big plans for all four of these hidden characters. Whether they appear at launch, as DLC, or even just in the story, their inclusion will add even more color and complexity to an already jam-packed game. For now though, we‘ll just have to wait and see.
As the Street Fighter 6 hype train continues to pick up steam, look forward to Capcom revealing more about Akuma, Ed, Rashid, and A.K.I. in the coming months. With so much mystery surrounding them, their official showcases are sure to be a major event for fighting game fans. Until then, we‘ll keep speculating, theorizing, and hoping that this new generation of World Warriors lives up to the legacy of the series.