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How Long Does It Take to Get to Mars? A Journey Years in the Making

NASA rockets may cover the 35-60 million miles to Mars in 6-7 months. But safely transporting fragile human travelers for such durations through the hazards of space remains a supreme challenge. As our ambitions advance from brief "flags and footprints" visits towards eventual settlement, the clock ticks loudly. Reducing transit time would minimize dangers, complexity and cost.

Yet revolutionary propulsion breakthroughs enabling rapid transit seem unlikely in coming decades barring paradigm shifts in physics. Until then, progress creeps forward incrementally through adopting ultra-reliable closed loop life support, upgrading thermal management and radiation shielding, testing cutting-edge engines, and embracing in-situ resource utilization.

Sustaining Life In-Transit: Shelter From the Savage Universe

The human body proves exquisitely adapted to conditions on the surface of the Earth. Transport it across millions of miles of vacuum and radiation in microgravity for 2-3 years, and maintaining health grows increasingly precarious. While launch windows every 26 months allow trips as "short" as 6 months when Earth and Mars align, architects continue targeting more ambitious durations.

What challenges emerge in attempting to create portable environments enabling multiple healthy, productive crew for such extended deep space transits? Supplying adequate food, water, hygiene facilities and medical care poses logistical headaches. Disposal or recycling of bodily wastes without gross contamination adds complexity. Shielding options provide imperfect defense against relentless cosmic radiation sources. Solar flares deliver sporadic intense storms scrambling electronics. Isolation and confinement strain behavioral health. Sensor-rich monitoring and preventative countermeasures aim to enable durable, resilient travelers, but zero human experience exists beyond 1-2 years continuously in space.

Moving further from the nourishing umbrella of Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere exposes DNA and cell structures to ever-growing ionizing bombardment. Chronic radiation dosage beyond 30-50 Rem over a Mars mission could elevate cancer risk beyond acceptable levels. Spaceship hulls potentially provide shielding equivalent to wearing heavy lead vests 24/7 for radiation protection. Experimental electromagnetic "force fields" may one day deflect rather than simply absorb ions and neutron spray. Genetic countermeasures could address damage at the DNA level through enhanced repair mechanisms or modified nucleotides more resistant to shattering.

We continuously circulate Earth protectively wrapped in our planet‘s embrace. The Orion deep space capsule under construction has prioritized mass for radiation storm shelters. Yet even briefly leaving fragile skin cells unshielded while spacewalking could trigger painful radiation burns. Our evolution has left humankind profoundly maladapted to spanning interplanetary gulfs. Crossing that existential threshold demands we insulate our delicate biology against a universe sublimely indifferent to squishy, wheezing creatures.

Rocketing To Red Planet: Propulsive Progress Plots the Course

NASA has operated advanced electric ion propulsion drives on science missions since the 1990s. Electron bombardment ejects charged atoms generating tiny but constant acceleration. Current limits on nuclear power generation restrict top speeds to 25 miles/second. But future dedicated systems with higher wattage could potentially approach staggering velocities of 90,000 mph given enough time!

Unfortunately ion propulsion proves unsuited for swift human transport any time soon. The gradual months-long buildup to peak velocity presumes negligible mass vehicles on unmanned probes. Applying huge electromagnetic fields capable of pushing substantial habitats remains barely nascent theory. Sudden inputs like launch or the intricate choreography of planetary aerobraking seem equally improbable. Too many eggs rest in one basket betting exclusively on delicate sustained drive inputs. Abort scenarios during ion cruise might leave crews irretrievably lost drifting through endless night.

Thus chemical combustion and streamlined derivatives still dominate human space infrastructure architecture for the foreseeable future. Cryogenic methane and liquid oxygen combusted by SpaceX‘s upcoming Raptor engines offer improvements over legacy hydrolox engines stretched thin on gross liftoff weights. Refueling in orbit or potentially sourcing propellants from sites across the solar system like Mars itself offer some relief on the mass exponent crunch continuing to choke expansive ambitions.

Yet even adopting every efficiency, trade studies suggest 4-6 month transits require truly titanic scales. On the order of Megawatts…Gigawatts…Terawatts of power generation from immense arrays spanning kilometers. Footprints rivaling a small city. Financial burdens dwarfing a nation state’s GDP. While perhaps conceivable through herculean effort and budget over decades long time horizons, credibility remains dubious. Do viable alternatives exist?

Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) furnishes energies densities millions of times more potent while circumventing oxidizer limits. Compact reactors output enormous thermal power to heat compressed hydrogen exhaust. Solid or liquid fuel variants completely avoid risky liquid hydrogen while reducing temperatures. Current prototypes demonstrate double or better specific impulse over chemical alternatives. Married with lightweight carbon nanotube tanks and eventually megawatt range output could slash transit schedules towards the minimum Hohmann orbital timespans.

Straightforward solid state thermoelectric drives simply producing watts ultimately can‘t compete thrust-wise with hot plasma rockets outputting gigawatts. Yet they offer cheap, adaptable, fault-tolerant redundancy for slowly spiraling out of gravity wells and jockeying massive payloads around in space. Solid rockets also deploy quickly for aborts and serve well for final deceleration burn sets. Optimal exploration architecture likely integrate both low and high gear systems tailored towards specific applications. The long journey ahead almost certainly mixes and matches simple, robust technologies with high performance but touchy cutting edge propellants.

Robotic Emissaries: Essential Precursors Still Teach Harsh Lessons

However tantalizing the lure of explorer fame circling a distant alien world, pragmatism argues against betting mission success on initial attempts sending fragile humans remotely. Since 1964 over fifty robotic spacecraft have embarked towards Mars with varying outcomes. In 2021 alone, three countries successfully placed satellites in orbit while China landed a rover. Clearly the technical capacity exists to reach Mars routinely. Yet the graveyard of lost ventures remains piled high with humbling lessons.

Why make crewed vessels also pathfinders? The inescapable outcome of such high stakes gambling seems gruesome tragedy broadcast horrifically back home. Far better to mitigate unknown hazards and prove operational readiness through iterative testing. Outfit robotic scouts with suites of instruments to comprehensively scan alien terrain from all angles and wavelengths before ever risking pioneers. What‘s the rush when uncover mysteries and delights on Mars enough to keep generations of scientists busy? Privately built manned ships still remain years from readiness awaiting engines, life support systems and thermal protection undergoing Priority 1 validation.

Mars Sample Return now in development carries no people but holds significance impossible to overstate by finally bringing carefully sealed material from the surface back to Earth. Geobiologists await rocks from ancient fluvial beds possibly containing evidence of primitive single-celled organisms. Expectations dwarf even the Apollo moon rocks which expanded lunar science exponentially.

Does aggressively pursuing human spaceflight divert funds from more worthy unmanned missions which accomplish meaningful exploration with substantially lower costs and risks? With billion dollar flagship asset Curiosity still roaming after a full decade, arguments emerge on both sides. The next high priority Rover under fabrication will cache samples. Do we need people or more robotic rovers? At a pivotal juncture, the next US administration in 2025 reduced Mars funds while increasing technology development for sustained crewed presence on and around the Moon…

To Mars Direct? Architecting the Optimal Mission

Debates continue raging between NASA and SpaceX regarding better philosophies to achieve eventual human landings on Mars. NASA favors meticulous incremental buildup of infrastructure each mission, slowly expanding capability in an affordable sustainable fashion. Musk insists only full technical capability from day one supporting massive scales enables viability, arguing anything less would fail halfway. Who‘s right? As with most dichotomies, truth likely lies split down the middle.

Political whims have punished Mars ambitions before, most tragically cancelling successive programs since Apollo applications through the Space Exploration Initiative. But contemporary reality finally appears to validate serious commitment from multiple players global in scope. Can NASA align constituencies towards supporting annual budget levels upward of $20 billion for capability supporting a steady cadence of launches? That bar just happens to match the recurring yearly development costs which Elon Musk cites as necessary for SpaceX alone to reach their Mars settlement goals. That eye-watering price tag exceeds many federal agencies‘ entire budgets!

And all that was BEFORE the unexpected earthquake of Washington announcing a doubling of the NASA budget for FY 2026 to over $40 billion dollars! Political fortunes appear to be shifting as the Artemis program inspires belief in ambitious exploration feats once again within reach. Sustained funding at this scale changes the game substantially. Perhaps the deciding factor comes down to vision…

The Moon lacks anything approaching Mars‘ atmosphere, weather patterns and seasonal cycles of freezing carbon dioxide poles. Many scientists consider Mars the only conceivable cradle supporting advanced life within our solar system. Volatiles like ammonia and methane remain concentrating indicators. Records etched into surface geology of potential prior warmer eras with persistent surface water keep astrobiologists theorizing. Permanent shade could offer protective havens. Proving Mars EVER hosted biology ranks among pinnacle scientific questions with profound philosophical implications for humanity‘s self conception. Do we pursue just flags and footprints across barren sands, or vigilantly seek evidence of our unknown kin? Any discovery suggesting we are not alone carries momentous meaning for generations to come. What value should we place on revelation?

Final Countdown Continues Inexorably Towards First Human Voyage

With launch windows arriving every 26 months, the question shifts from possibility towards readiness. Will maturation of essential precursor technologies required for deep space transits like closed loop Environmental Control and Life Support Systems meet minimum tolerance standards for approval in time for 2039 departure? Chief among obstacles, can NASA complete full scale ground testing in Mars environment chambers of megawatt range Nuclear Thermal Propulsion without delays from bureaucracy, politics or public skepticism? Confidence grows that FIRST crew tentatively could depart by the late 2030s if all pieces fall in place. But anticipating every surprise across a project of unprecedented scale seems unrealistic.

What minimum acceptable mission durations should we target for our crew? NASA initially established 1,000 days from Earth departure burn to reentry glide home as maximum tolerable threshold given health factors. But perhaps the recommendation calls for revision given the immensity of commitments in resources and training once embarked towards the Red Planet. Is any program sustainable which does not enable crews to eventually remain 500 days or more on Mars surface exploiting maximum working capacity? Astronauts signing up for High Mars Orbit campaigns better plan on transits of three years if not more in one direction.

Who shall we send across the untamed gulf? Ideally candidates prove masters of every science crucial to expedition success – biologist, chemist, climatologist, engineer, mechanic, physician. International partnership opens wide pools of world class talent. Candidates must also pass relentlessly grueling psychological screenings to cope with prolonged isolation and dangers in remote harsh environments. Loners and erratics face exclusion on billion dollar flights dependent so critically upon relentless cooperation living inside very small rooms for very long times. What attributes should rank highest qualifying to depart Earth behind perhaps forevermore? We are only beginning to glimpse the shape emerging…
