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The 7 Best Solar Companies in New York To Save You Money

The Top Solar Companies in New York: An Expert‘s Guide to Clean Energy

Are you a New Yorker tired of paying some of the highest energy bills in the country? Switching to solar energy could be the solution you‘ve been looking for. By harnessing the power of the sun, you can drastically reduce or even eliminate your electric bills while doing your part to protect the environment.

But making the decision to go solar is just the first step. One of the most important factors in the success of your clean energy transition is choosing the right solar company to handle the installation and setup of your system. With so many companies out there, it can quickly get overwhelming.

Don‘t worry, we‘re here to help! As a solar energy expert, I‘ve thoroughly researched and evaluated the top solar providers serving New York homeowners. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll give you an insider‘s look at the best companies and equip you with the knowledge to confidently make the switch to solar.

First, let‘s cover some solar energy basics. Solar panels, which are typically installed on your roof, absorb sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity. An inverter then converts that DC electricity into the alternating current (AC) electricity used by your home‘s appliances and devices. Any excess electricity your panels generate is fed back into the power grid, earning you credits on future electric bills.

When comparing solar companies, there are several key factors you‘ll want to consider:

  1. Reputation and Experience – How long has the company been in business? What do customer reviews say about them? Are they licensed and certified?

  2. Equipment Quality – What brands of solar panels and inverters does the company use? How efficient and durable are they?

  3. Warranty – What kind of warranty does the company offer on its equipment and workmanship? Will they be around to honor it?

  4. Financing Options – Does the company offer solar leases, loans, or power purchase agreements in addition to outright purchases? What are the terms?

  5. Customer Service – How responsive and helpful is the company in addressing questions and concerns? Will you have a dedicated support contact?

Now that you know what to look for, let‘s dive into my top picks for the best solar companies in New York.

As one of the oldest and most respected names in solar, SunPower is known for its top-of-the-line equipment and customer support. The company‘s solar panels boast some of the highest efficiency ratings in the industry, meaning you can generate more power in less space. SunPower stands behind its products with a robust 25-year warranty covering your panels, microinverters, and workmanship.

One of the biggest advantages of going with SunPower is the variety of financing options available, including leases, loans, and purchase agreements. The company will even handle paperwork for connecting to the grid and applying for incentives. Most New York homeowners can expect to pay around $15,000 after incentives for a typical 6 kilowatt SunPower system.

Best known for its groundbreaking electric vehicles, Tesla also produces some of the most stylish and advanced solar panels on the market. The low-profile, all-black design allows the panels to blend in seamlessly with your roof for maximum curb appeal. Tesla also offers a price match guarantee, pledging to match any competitor‘s equipment and installation costs.

Performance is another strong suit of the Tesla solar panels, which boast an impressive 97.5% efficiency rating in converting solar energy to usable electricity. When paired with a Tesla Powerwall battery system, you can store excess electricity for use during peak times or power outages, reducing your reliance on the grid.

For a 6 kilowatt Tesla solar system, New York homeowners can expect to pay a very competitive $15,000 on average after incentives and rebates. Systems can be purchased outright or financed with loans starting at just $65 per month.

Trinity Solar
Founded in 1994, Trinity Solar is the largest privately-held residential solar company in the nation. The family-owned business has installed over 77,000 solar systems, primarily in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states. Trinity has earned an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and glowing reviews from customers praising the company‘s professionalism and quality of work.

Trinity offers a wide range of payment options to make going solar accessible for nearly any budget. Customers can choose from solar leases, loans, power purchase agreements or pay for the system upfront. Cash and loan purchases are eligible for Trinity‘s 25-year equipment and labor warranty.

For a basic 6 kilowatt system, Trinity Solar customers in New York can expect to pay around $19,000 on average after incentives are applied. While not the cheapest option, Trinity‘s proven track record and comprehensive warranty can provide peace of mind that your investment is protected.

Sunrun is a top choice for New York homeowners looking for an affordable way to start generating their own clean energy. The company is best known for its solar leasing program, which allows customers to install a solar system with little to no money down. Sunrun owns and maintains the system over the 20-25 year lease term while you pay a fixed monthly rate for the electricity it produces.

If you prefer to own your solar panels outright, Sunrun also offers the option to purchase your system with cash or take advantage of in-house financing. All Sunrun systems come with 24/7 monitoring and a multi-faceted warranty covering your roof, panels, and inverter for 10-25 years.

The average total cost for a Sunrun system in New York ranges from $15,000 to $20,000 after incentives and rebates. With Sunrun, you can feel good knowing you‘ve chosen an experienced solar provider with a variety of flexible options to fit your needs and budget.

Momentum Solar
Momentum Solar may not have the same brand recognition as some of the industry giants, but its personalized approach to solar has earned the company a loyal following. When you work with Momentum, you‘ll be assigned a dedicated project manager who will guide you through the entire process from initial consultation to final installation.

All Momentum systems feature tier-1 solar panels and microinverters from top brands like LG, Panasonic, and Enphase. The company offers both purchase and lease options, as well as a 25-year warranty on equipment and workmanship. While Momentum‘s pricing tends to be on the higher end at $20,000-$25,000 for an average system after incentives, many customers find the responsive communication and quality service to be well worth the premium.

ADT Solar
Formerly known as Sunpro Solar, ADT Solar became part of the ADT family in 2021. The company brings ADT‘s security expertise to the solar industry with its innovative solar + home automation packages. With ADT Solar, you can seamlessly integrate your solar system with smart thermostats, lighting, cameras, and more to maximize your energy efficiency.

ADT Solar installations are highly customizable, with options for solar panels, backup batteries, and electric vehicle chargers from trusted brands. The company offers cash purchases, solar loans, leases, and power purchase agreements. All come with ADT‘s signature 25-year warranty covering equipment, performance, and workmanship.

For an average 6 kilowatt system, expect to pay between $18,000 and $25,000 with ADT Solar after incentives. ADT Solar is an excellent choice if you‘re looking for a solar provider that can offer a truly integrated smart home experience.

Palmetto aims to make going solar a simple and positive experience through the use of advanced technology. The company‘s proprietary solar design and proposal tool allows you to see exactly how your system will look and perform before signing on the dotted line. Once your system is installed, Palmetto‘s mobile app lets you track your energy production and savings in real-time.

In addition to its user-friendly tech, Palmetto also scores high marks for its customer service. The company offers support via phone, email, or online chat. All Palmetto systems are backed by a 25-year output warranty on solar panels, as well as a 10-year workmanship warranty.

For an average 6 kilowatt system, New York homeowners can expect to pay between $15,000 and $20,000 with Palmetto after incentives. The company offers solar loans with zero money down for qualified customers.

Key Considerations for New York Solar Shoppers
Now that we‘ve covered some of the top solar companies serving New York, let‘s address a few common questions and concerns you may have about making the switch to solar.

Are solar panels worth it in New York?
For most New York homeowners, solar panels are an excellent investment that can provide significant long-term savings on electricity costs. When you factor in the state‘s high energy prices and the generous solar incentives available, the financial benefits of going solar can be substantial.

Speaking of incentives, there are quite a few programs that can reduce the cost of your solar installation by thousands of dollars. The federal solar tax credit currently gives you a dollar-for-dollar reduction on your income taxes equal to 30% of your solar system‘s cost. The NY-Sun Incentive Program provides direct funding for solar projects, while the Megawatt Block Incentive lowers the cost per watt. There are also exemptions for state sales tax and property tax increases related to your solar system‘s value.

Of course, the exact payback period and savings will vary depending on factors like your energy usage, choice of solar company, shading on your property, and financing method. Most New Yorkers who purchase a solar system can expect to break even within 6-9 years and enjoy free electricity for the remainder of their system‘s 25-30 year lifespan.

Can I get solar panels for free in New York?
While there isn‘t a program that will cover the entire cost of your solar system, the incentives mentioned above can drastically reduce your out-of-pocket investment. By taking advantage of the federal tax credit, state rebates, and other programs, you can offset a significant portion of your system‘s price tag. And with the monthly savings on your electric bill, your solar panels can pay for themselves in a relatively short period of time.

What are the pros and cons of solar energy?
Like any major home improvement project, going solar has its advantages and drawbacks. On the plus side, solar energy is clean, renewable, and can lead to substantial savings on electricity over time. Solar panels can also increase your property‘s value and provide a hedge against future rate hikes from your utility company.

The main downside of solar is the upfront cost, which can be a significant expense even with incentives factored in. Not every home is suitable for solar due to factors like roof orientation, shading from trees or buildings, and local weather patterns. There‘s also the potential for aesthetic concerns, although modern panels are much sleeker than older models.

Ultimately, solar is a smart investment for most New York homeowners. By doing your research, getting quotes from reputable companies, and taking advantage of available incentives, you can minimize your costs and maximize your long-term savings.

Final Thoughts
Choosing to power your home with clean, renewable energy is an admirable decision that can pay off for decades to come. By going solar, you‘ll not only reduce your carbon footprint but also gain a greater sense of energy independence.

While the process of going solar may seem complicated, there are plenty of knowledgeable and trustworthy companies ready to guide you through it. The providers highlighted in this guide – SunPower, Tesla, Trinity, Sunrun, Momentum, ADT Solar, and Palmetto – are some of the best in the business when it comes to quality equipment, customer service, and overall value.

As you compare your options, don‘t forget to consider factors beyond just price. A company‘s experience, warranty coverage, and customer reviews can tell you a lot about what kind of experience you‘ll have as a customer.

Most importantly, don‘t be afraid to ask questions! Any reputable solar company will be happy to walk you through its products, process, and financing options. With a little research and due diligence, you can find the perfect solar provider to help you make the switch to clean, affordable energy.