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Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman

Full Name Anne Marie Drummond
Age 54
Birthday January 6, 1969
Birth Sign Capricorn
Born United States
Relationship Married
Height 5′ 9′′
Net Worth $50M
Social Facebook

Ree Drummond grew up in the wide open spaces of Oklahoma‘s prairie country. Though she studied journalism and landed a job after college in Los Angeles, the big city life was never a fit for this small-town girl. Returning home, she married her husband Ladd – a real life rancher! – and settled into life in the slow lane on his family‘s sprawling Osage County cattle ranch.

It was there in 2006, seeking a creative outlet amidst the demanding routine of ranch life, that Ree began documenting her experiences learning to cook for her family on a humble blog called The Pioneer Woman. Little did she know, this hobby was about to change her life in ways she never imagined.

From Accidental Ranch Wife to Celebrity Chef

Ree‘s chronicles of life as an accidental ranch wife, filled with charming stories about her family and simple recipes for hearty comfort foods, immediately resonated with readers across the heartland. Her page views soared by the millions in just a few years. Leveraging this online fame, she launched her first cookbook The Pioneer Woman Cooks in 2009. It debuted at #1 on the New York Times bestseller list, selling nearly 130,000 copies in its first week – a record for a cookbook‘s debut.

She went on to publish blockbuster follow-up cookbooks like The Pioneer Woman Cooks: A Year of Holidays and The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Dinnertime, as well as children‘s books and memoir. Ree Drummond became a bonafide publishing phenomenon.

In 2011, Ree brought her unique ranch-centric style of cooking to Food Network with the launch of her cooking show The Pioneer Woman. It was an immediate audience favorite, with over 1.5 million viewers tuned in for the pilot episode. She has since starred in several other popular Food Network programs like The Pioneer Woman: New Frontier. An engaging on-camera presence, Ree walks viewers through recipes in her warm, relatable style. Fans feel as if they‘re cooking along with a friend.

The Ranch, Family, and Food Philosophy

While her cooking empire has made her a celebrity, Ree remains devoted to the drumbeat of life on the ranch with her husband Ladd and their four children. She often documents their day-to-day adventures on the ranch, from cattle drives to roping lessons, on her blog and TV shows.

For Ree, food is so much more than just sustenance – it‘s the heart and soul of family life. She takes immense pride in serving her family wholesome, hearty meals around the kitchen table each day. Her recipes celebrate the comfort foods of rural America that feed and nourish – rib-sticking dishes like chicken fried steak, pot roasts, fried chicken, casseroles and skillet pies. Though she‘s mastered fancier fare as her career has progressed, Ree stays true to her down-home style of cooking rooted in family food traditions.

Pioneer Woman Empire

The Pioneer Woman brand has grown into a diversified media and merchandising empire. In addition to her successful blog, cookbooks and TV shows, Ree has launched her own lines of cookware, bakeware, kitchen textiles, packaged foods and more. She operates a bustling online shop called The Mercantile, selling everything from her cookbooks to Pioneer Woman branded clothing and home goods. Adding to her foodie empire, she has opened Pioneer Woman restaurants in Oklahoma City and Dallas. Through it all, Ree has maintained her authenticity, sharing her genuine love of cooking and ranch life with fans.

Forbes named her one of the Top 25 Web Celebrities. At its peak, her blog The Pioneer Woman garnered over 23 million page views a month and has inspired a loyal following of over 3 million fans on Instagram. Though Ree could have easily leveraged her celebrity status to move to a bigger arena, she has chosen to remain based on her Oklahoma ranch. Staying grounded in the ranch lifestyle that shaped her is central to The Pioneer Woman‘s universal appeal.
