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How to Make a Welcome Channel on Discord in 4 Steps

Hi there! Are you looking to create an awesome welcome channel for your Discord server? As an experienced Discord user, let me walk you through how to make one step-by-step. I‘ll also share tips, ideas, and examples to help you build the perfect welcome message.

A warm and informative welcome channel is crucial for any well-run Discord server. According to Discord, over 150 million active users have created over 19 million communities on their platform as of 2022.

With so many servers vying for members‘ attention, it‘s essential to make a great first impression.

That‘s where a tailored welcome channel comes in – it allows you to greet new members, set expectations, and help them get oriented. Studies show that a sense of belonging and clear guidelines are key factors in whether online community members actively participate and remain loyal.

So let‘s get you started on creating a welcome channel that will wow and engage any new member that joins your Discord server! Just follow these four simple steps:

Step 1: Add a New Text Channel

First, we need to create a dedicated space for your welcome message. From your server‘s channel list sidebar, click the "+" icon to open the "Create Channel" menu.

Select "Text Channel" since this type allowsParagraph formatting, links, emoji, and images – perfect for a polished welcome post.

You‘ll then be prompted to name and customize the new channel.

Create Text Channel menu in Discord

Step 2: Name Your Welcome Channel

Now it‘s time to identify the channel‘s purpose for members.

In the "Channel Name" field, enter a friendly name like:

Aim for something short but descriptive. You can keep the default settings, making your channel:

  • 🟢 Public: Visible to all server members
  • 💬 Text channel: For threaded text conversations

Once named, click "Create Channel" to add it to your server!

Step 3: Move Your Welcome Channel to the Top

This step is important so new members see your welcome channel first.

Here‘s how to move it to the #1 spot:

On desktop: Click/drag the welcome channel to the top spot in the channel list sidebar.

On mobile: Go to Server Settings > Channels > Channel Order, press/hold the welcome channel, and drag it to the top spot.

Now when new folks join, your welcome will be the first thing they see!

Step 4: Customize Your Welcome Message

Now for the fun part – crafting your welcome post!

Click into your channel to open the text chat display. You can now add a warm, informative message tailored to your community.

Aim to include key details like:

  • A friendly greeting

  • Brief server/community description

  • Guidelines for conduct

  • Overview of roles

  • Links to important channels

  • Instructions for getting started

  • Invitation to engage

You can use Discord‘s markdown formatting for visual appeal:

Example formatted welcome message in Discord

Enable "Slow Mode" to limit frequent posts from multiple welcome messages cluttering up your channel.

With a thoughtful and thorough welcome post, you‘ll make new members feel right at home!

Now that you know how to create a dedicated welcome channel, let‘s talk about how to craft the perfect welcome message.

Set the Tone

First and foremost, you want to establish the right tone, one that reflects your server community‘s culture.

For example, a server for software engineers might take a more formal tone, while a server for pet lovers could adopt a more casual, conversational style.

Here are some warm, friendly greeting examples:

  • Hi there! Welcome to [Server Name]. So glad you found us! 👋

  • Greetings, newcomer! Thanks for joining our little corner of Discord. We‘re happy you‘re here!

Describe Your Server

Give new members context on what your community is all about. Share details like:

  • The purpose or common interests/passions of members

  • Popular topics and conversations

  • Background on how/why the server was created

-Notable channels, events or activities

  • Size of the community currently

Here‘s an example server description:

"This is a friendly server for people passionate about gardening. We share tips and photos, discuss plants and landscapes, and plan occasional meetups. Feel free to introduce yourself and ask questions – our community has over 500 members ready to connect!"

Explain Rules and Guidelines

This is crucial to set expectations around conduct and content upfront. Some common rules include:

  • Be kind (no bullying, sexism, racism, etc)

  • Keep it PG-13 (no NSFW content)

  • Stay on-topic in conversations

Clearly outlining the rules early prevents issues like harassment down the road. I recommend linking to a full rules document for reference.

Provide Role Information

If your server uses roles, explain how new members can gain access to additional roles and unlocked channels.

For example: "React with 🐱 to gain the Cat Lover role with access to #cats-corner and exclusive cat memes!"

Share Channel Details

Help newbies navigate your server by pointing them to key channels they should know about.

For instance, you can highlight channels for introductions, FAQs, discussing the community‘s topic, events, and self-promotion.

List the channel name (#channel-name) and a brief descriptor of its purpose.

Include Useful Links and Resources

Your welcome message is also a great place to share relevant links, documents, invite codes, and guides to help new members.

Some suggestions:

  • Link to your full server rules/guidelines doc

  • Include orientation videos/guides

  • Share website links related to your community

  • Invite link to expand membership

Close with Next Steps

End your welcome post by prompting the desired next actions from new members. For example:

  • Introduce yourself in #introductions!

  • Check out #get-started for tips on how to make the most of our community.

  • Have any questions? Ask them here or DM a moderator.

  • Dive into the conversation – so glad to have you with us!

Signing off warmly will start new members off on a positive note as they begin engaging.

After creating your welcome message, take a minute to configure the channel settings for optimum function.

Here are some key settings to consider:

Slow Mode

This limits how frequently members can post messages in a channel within a set time period.

Enabling slow mode (e.g. 1 post per 5 minutes) prevents a barrage of repetitive welcome messages from members.

Age Account Restriction

You can restrict access to a channel based on how long someone has held a Discord account.

Requiring an account age of 5-10 minutes prevents spam/troll accounts from posting in your welcome channel.

Channel Permissions

Adjust which roles can post, read, attach files, embed links, etc. in your welcome channel.

Lock it down so only admins can post your carefully crafted welcome message.

Configuring these settings intentionally will optimize your welcome channel‘s capabilities and prevent disruptions.

You may be wondering – is a welcome channel really that important for my server?

The answer is a resounding yes! Here are some of the biggest benefits:

Sets the Tone and Culture

Your welcome message establishes the first impression of what your community embodies and values from the moment someone joins.

Use it to cultivate the culture you want to see in your server. A fun, friendly tone can encourage engagement and positivity. An authoritative tone can convey needed structure and order.

Reduces Confusion

FAQs, guidelines, and orienting info in your welcome message minimize repetitive questions in other channels later on.

This prevents your community‘s conversations from getting constantly derailed.

Boosts Engagement

Studies show that new members who feel welcomed and oriented are more likely to actively participate in a community long-term.

A warm welcome message encourages members to dive into conversations.

Ensures Compliance

Clearly stating rules and norms upfront minimizes issues like harassment or spamming down the road. It‘s much easier to enforce expectations that members are informed of from the start.

Enhances Moderation

Proactively educating members in your welcome channel reduces the need for reactive moderation later.

Your mods will thank you for fewer disruptions to deal with!

Allows Announcements

Your pinned welcome message ensures important server updates or news are seen by all members in a centralized place.

No more missing key info buried in other channels!

Looks Professional

A polished welcome channel prevents your server from feeling disorganized or chaotic to new members initially.

It shows you take your community seriously and value their experience.

On top of all these perks, a welcome channel requires very minimal time investment to create upfront. But it pays dividends in member engagement and satisfaction over the long haul.

It‘s one of the highest leverage improvements you can make to your Discord server. So what are you waiting for?

I hope this guide gave you a comprehensive overview of how to create a welcome channel to impress new members joining your Discord server!

Here‘s a quick recap of the steps:

  1. Add a new text channel

  2. Name it something like #welcome or #start-here

  3. Move the channel to the top spot

  4. Customize your warm, informative welcome post

  5. Tweak channel settings for optimal function

With your excellent welcome channel ready, you can feel confident that each new member will start off on the right foot.

A thoughtful welcome message lays the foundation for an engaged, positive community. It‘s one of the most important investments you can make in your server‘s success.

Wishing you the best as you continue growing an awesome space for connection and conversation on Discord. Let me know if you have any other questions!