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6 Must-Watch Documentaries on the Norman Conquest of 1066: A Historian‘s Perspective

The Battle of Hastings, as depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry

The Norman Conquest of 1066 was a watershed moment in English history that dramatically reshaped the country‘s political, social, and cultural landscape. Led by William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy, the invasion and subsequent victory over the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Hastings marked the beginning of a new era of Norman rule that would have far-reaching consequences for centuries to come.

As a historian specializing in medieval English history, I have long been fascinated by the complex web of factors that led to the Norman Conquest and the ways in which it has been studied, interpreted, and portrayed over the years. While there are countless books, articles, and scholarly works on the subject, I believe that documentaries offer a uniquely engaging and accessible way to explore this pivotal event and its enduring legacy.

In this article, I will share my top picks for the best documentaries on the Norman Conquest of 1066, highlighting their key strengths, insights, and contributions to our understanding of this transformative period in English history. Whether you are a history buff, a student, or simply someone with a curious mind, these documentaries are sure to deepen your knowledge and appreciation of the Norman Conquest and its lasting impact on England and beyond.

1. "1066: The Battle for Middle Earth" (2009)

Directed by Justin Hardy and presented by historian Dan Snow, "1066: The Battle for Middle Earth" is a two-part documentary that offers a comprehensive and immersive look at the events leading up to and during the Norman Conquest. Using a combination of dramatic reenactments, expert interviews, and stunning aerial footage of key locations, the documentary brings to life the intense power struggle between the Anglo-Saxons and the Normans in vivid detail.

One of the strengths of this documentary is its focus on the human stories and personalities behind the conquest. Snow does an excellent job of introducing us to the key players, including Edward the Confessor, Harold Godwinson, and William the Conqueror, and exploring their motivations, ambitions, and relationships. He also sheds light on the broader social and political context of 11th-century England, helping us to understand the complex factors that set the stage for the Norman invasion.

Another highlight of "1066: The Battle for Middle Earth" is its attention to the military strategies and tactics employed by both sides. Through careful analysis of primary sources like the Bayeux Tapestry and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, as well as insights from leading historians and archaeologists, the documentary provides a detailed and nuanced account of the Battle of Hastings and its aftermath.

According to historian Marc Morris, who is interviewed in the documentary, the Norman Conquest was "the single most important event in English history." By watching "1066: The Battle for Middle Earth," viewers can gain a deeper appreciation for the scale and significance of this momentous event and its lasting impact on English society.

2. "Conquest: The Norman Invasion of England" (2014)

Produced by the Smithsonian Channel, "Conquest: The Norman Invasion of England" is a one-hour documentary that takes a fresh look at the Norman Conquest through the lens of cutting-edge technology and modern scholarship. Hosted by military historian Julian Humphrys, the documentary uses 3D animations, forensic analysis, and reenactments to shed new light on the tactics, weapons, and armor used by the Normans and Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Hastings.

One of the most interesting aspects of this documentary is its focus on the archaeological evidence left behind by the conquest. Humphrys visits the site of the battle at Battle Abbey and meets with archaeologists who have been excavating the area for clues about what really happened on that fateful day in October 1066. Using metal detectors and other tools, they have uncovered a wealth of artifacts, including arrowheads, spearheads, and fragments of armor, that provide valuable insights into the weapons and equipment used by both sides.

Another strength of "Conquest: The Norman Invasion of England" is its use of computer-generated animations to recreate the key moments of the battle in vivid detail. By combining historical accounts with the latest scientific research, the documentary provides a more accurate and immersive portrayal of the Norman Conquest than ever before.

According to historian David Bates, who is interviewed in the documentary, the Norman Conquest "changed the whole nature of English society." By watching "Conquest: The Norman Invasion of England," viewers can gain a deeper understanding of how this seismic event unfolded and why it had such a profound impact on the course of English history.

3. "The Normans" (2010)

"The Normans" is a four-part documentary series produced by the BBC that explores the rise and fall of the Norman dynasty, from its humble beginnings in Scandinavia to its eventual conquest of England and beyond. Presented by historian Robert Bartlett, the series offers a sweeping and authoritative account of the Normans‘ remarkable story, tracing their evolution from Viking raiders to a sophisticated and powerful empire that stretched across Europe and the Mediterranean.

While the series covers a broad range of topics and time periods, the second episode, titled "Conquest," focuses specifically on the Norman invasion of England and the events leading up to and following the Battle of Hastings. Bartlett does an excellent job of situating the conquest within the broader context of Norman history and culture, exploring how the Normans‘ experiences in France and Italy shaped their approach to warfare and governance.

One of the strengths of "The Normans" is its use of primary sources to bring the story of the conquest to life. Bartlett reads extensively from contemporary accounts like the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and the Bayeux Tapestry, providing vivid and often poignant glimpses into the experiences of those who lived through this tumultuous period.

Another highlight of the series is its attention to the lasting impact of the Norman Conquest on English society and culture. Bartlett explores how the Normans introduced new ideas and institutions, from the feudal system to the Domesday Book, that would shape the course of English history for centuries to come.

According to Bartlett, the Norman Conquest "was a catastrophe for the English, but it was also a great opportunity." By watching "The Normans," viewers can gain a deeper appreciation for the complex and often contradictory legacy of this pivotal event in English history.

4. "The Battle of Hastings" (2017)

Produced by the Smithsonian Channel, "The Battle of Hastings" is a one-hour documentary that takes a fresh look at the most famous battle of the Norman Conquest using the latest historical research and computer-generated animations. Hosted by military historian Julian Humphrys, the documentary provides a detailed and immersive account of the battle, from the initial landings of William‘s forces at Pevensey to the final, bloody clash at Senlac Hill.

One of the strengths of "The Battle of Hastings" is its attention to the human stories and experiences of those who fought and died on that fateful day. Humphrys interviews descendants of some of the key players, including Harold Godwinson and William the Conqueror, providing a more personal and intimate perspective on the events of 1066.

Another highlight of the documentary is its use of computer-generated animations to recreate the key moments of the battle in vivid detail. By combining historical accounts with the latest scientific research, the documentary provides a more accurate and immersive portrayal of the Battle of Hastings than ever before.

According to historian Marc Morris, who is interviewed in the documentary, the Battle of Hastings was "a defining moment in English history." By watching "The Battle of Hastings," viewers can gain a deeper understanding of how this pivotal event unfolded and why it had such a profound impact on the course of English history.

5. "The Normans: A Tale of Power and Conquest" (2021)

"The Normans: A Tale of Power and Conquest" is a two-part documentary series produced by the BBC that explores the rise and fall of the Norman dynasty, from its origins in Scandinavia to its eventual conquest of England and beyond. Presented by historian Janina Ramirez, the series offers a fresh and engaging look at the Normans‘ remarkable story, tracing their evolution from Viking raiders to a sophisticated and powerful empire that stretched across Europe and the Mediterranean.

While the series covers a broad range of topics and time periods, the first episode, titled "Conquest," focuses specifically on the Norman invasion of England and the events leading up to and following the Battle of Hastings. Ramirez does an excellent job of situating the conquest within the broader context of Norman history and culture, exploring how the Normans‘ experiences in France and Italy shaped their approach to warfare and governance.

One of the strengths of "The Normans: A Tale of Power and Conquest" is its use of primary sources to bring the story of the conquest to life. Ramirez visits key locations like Westminster Abbey and Battle Abbey, where she examines contemporary accounts and artifacts that shed light on the experiences of those who lived through this tumultuous period.

Another highlight of the series is its attention to the lasting impact of the Norman Conquest on English society and culture. Ramirez explores how the Normans introduced new ideas and institutions, from the feudal system to the Domesday Book, that would shape the course of English history for centuries to come.

According to Ramirez, the Norman Conquest "was a turning point in English history, and its impact can still be felt today." By watching "The Normans: A Tale of Power and Conquest," viewers can gain a deeper appreciation for the complex and often contradictory legacy of this pivotal event in English history.

6. "Normans: Men in Armour" (2022)

Produced by Wingspan Productions, "Normans: Men in Armour" is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the military might and influence of the Normans as they extended their power across Europe and beyond. Presented by medieval historian Dan Jones, author of "The Plantagenets", the film sheds light on the warriors who helped William the Conqueror and his successors carve out a formidable empire.

Jones combines engaging storytelling with his vast expertise to introduce viewers to the Norman knights, their unique fighting style, armor, weapons, castles, and the societal structures that supported their military campaigns. He posits that much of the Normans‘ success can be attributed to their use of heavy cavalry, a tactical innovation for the time.

One fascinating segment of the documentary focuses on the archaeological findings at the Battle of Dives-sur-Mer in Normandy, a site believed to be associated with William the Conqueror‘s preparations for the conquest of England. Excavations at this site have uncovered remains of defensive structures, possible stables for warhorses, and a wealth of weaponry and armor fragments. These discoveries provide tangible evidence of the scale and sophistication of the Norman war machine.

Jones also examines how the Normans‘ military prowess was intertwined with their culture, religion, and politics. He argues that the Normans‘ martial skills and shrewd alliances with the Church helped them maintain control over their conquered territories and establish a powerful aristocracy that would shape European history for generations.

While "Normans: Men in Armour" offers a narrower focus than some of the other documentaries on this list, its in-depth exploration of the military aspects of Norman society makes it a valuable contribution to our understanding of the conquest and its aftermath. As Jones notes, "The story of the Normans is one of the great adventure stories of the Middle Ages, and at its heart is the story of men in armour."


The Norman Conquest of 1066 was a seismic event that transformed the political, social, and cultural landscape of England and had far-reaching consequences for the rest of Europe. As a historian, I believe that documentaries offer a powerful and engaging way to explore this pivotal moment in history and its enduring legacy.

The six documentaries highlighted in this article represent some of the best and most informative works on the Norman Conquest available today. From comprehensive overviews like "1066: The Battle for Middle Earth" and "The Normans" to more focused explorations of specific aspects of the conquest like "Conquest: The Norman Invasion of England" and "Normans: Men in Armour", these documentaries offer a wealth of insights, analysis, and fascinating historical detail.

By watching these documentaries, viewers can gain a deeper understanding of the complex web of factors that led to the Norman Conquest, the key players and personalities involved, the military strategies and tactics employed, and the lasting impact of the conquest on English society and culture.

As historian Marc Morris notes in "The Battle of Hastings", the Norman Conquest "changed the whole nature of English society." It introduced new ideas and institutions, from the feudal system to the Domesday Book, that would shape the course of English history for centuries to come. It also had a profound impact on the English language, with French becoming the language of the ruling elite and many French words and phrases entering the English vocabulary.

But perhaps most importantly, the Norman Conquest reminds us of the incredible power of historical events to shape the world we live in today. As historian Robert Bartlett notes in "The Normans", the conquest "was a catastrophe for the English, but it was also a great opportunity." It set in motion a chain of events that would eventually lead to the creation of a unified English state and the rise of England as a major European power.

By exploring the Norman Conquest through the lens of these documentaries, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the richness and complexity of this pivotal moment in history and its enduring relevance to our lives today. Whether you are a history buff, a student, or simply someone with a curious mind, I highly recommend watching these documentaries and discovering the fascinating story of the Norman Conquest for yourself.