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Anne of Cleves: The Unwanted Queen Who Survived and Thrived


In the grand drama of King Henry VIII‘s six wives, Anne of Cleves is often relegated to a footnote as the bride he rejected. However, the real story of the German princess who became Queen of England for just six months is far more nuanced and fascinating. Through her unwavering resilience, clever political maneuvering, and steadfast spirit, Anne emerged from the indignity of a failed marriage to become a beloved figure in the Tudor court. Drawing upon period sources, cultural context, and comparative analysis, this article will present a multilayered portrait of Anne of Cleves and argue for her place as one of the most intriguing characters in the Tudor saga.

From Düsseldorf to Dover: Anne‘s Early Life and Journey to England

Anna von der Mark was born on September 22, 1515 in Düsseldorf, the second daughter of Johann III, Duke of Cleves, and his wife Maria (Harless, 1996). The Cleves dynasty was a powerful force in the Holy Roman Empire, controlling key territories in northwestern Germany. Anne and her siblings enjoyed a noble upbringing typical of German aristocracy in the 16th century. Along with her sisters Sybille and Amalia, Anne was educated in practical skills like needlework and household management rather than the arts and languages favored in other European courts (Fraser, 1992).

This background would shape Anne‘s character and expectations, setting the stage for cultural clashes later on. Notably, Anne‘s father Johann III was known for his religious tolerance, allowing both Catholic and Lutheran influences in his court (Darsie, 2019). This early exposure to religious coexistence may have influenced Anne‘s own moderate stance amid the turmoil of the English Reformation.

In 1539, Anne‘s world changed overnight when she was chosen as a bride for King Henry VIII of England. Recently widowed and eager to secure the Tudor dynasty, Henry sought a new wife from the continent. Thomas Cromwell, Henry‘s chief minister, favored the Cleves alliance to bolster Protestant influence and check Spanish and French power (Warnicke, 2000). Anne‘s brother Wilhelm, now Duke of Cleves, jumped at the chance to marry his sister to the mighty English king. A flattering portrait by Hans Holbein the Younger sealed the deal, and Anne set out for England in late 1539.

A Doomed Union: The Six-Month Marriage of Henry VIII and Anne of Cleves

After a perilous winter crossing, Anne arrived at Dover on December 27, 1539 and journeyed to Rochester, where Henry was waiting to greet his new bride (Letters and Papers, 1539). Their New Year‘s Day meeting is one of the most debated moments in Tudor history. In stark contrast to Holbein‘s rosy portrait, Henry was reportedly dismayed by Anne‘s plain appearance, comparing her unfavorably to a "Flanders mare" (Strype, 1822). However, other accounts suggest a warmer reception, with Henry bestowing lavish gifts and attention on Anne (Chronicle of Calais, 1846).

The truth likely lies somewhere in between, colored by the agendas of contemporary chroniclers. Cultural misunderstandings may have also played a role in souring the royal couple‘s rapport. Unused to English customs, Anne‘s shyness and Germanic manners were seen as rudeness (Weir, 2001). Furthermore, Henry‘s advancing age and declining health, including an ulcerated leg, could not have helped ignite a spark.

Nevertheless, the wedding went ahead on January 6, 1540 at the Palace of Placentia in Greenwich (Hall, 1548). The festivities were muted compared to Henry‘s previous nuptials—perhaps a sign of his waning enthusiasm. Behind the scenes, larger political factors were sealing the marriage‘s fate. Anne‘s brother Wilhelm had been conducting separate negotiations with Henry‘s rival Francis I of France, undermining the Cleves alliance (State Papers, 1540). Combined with Henry‘s personal distaste, these shifting alliances gave Cromwell the pretext he needed to dissolve the union.

Portrait of Anne of Cleves by Hans Holbein the Younger, 1539
Figure 1. Anne of Cleves by Hans Holbein the Younger, 1539. The flattering portrait that convinced Henry VIII to choose Anne as his bride. (Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.)

On July 9, 1540, just six months after the wedding, Anne was informed that her marriage to Henry was to be annulled (Strype, 1822). The official grounds were non-consummation and a prior betrothal to Francis of Lorraine, but the humiliated Anne had little choice but to submit. In a savvy move, Henry offered his erstwhile bride a generous settlement, including properties and the honorific title of "King‘s Sister" (Privy Council Registers, 1540). Anne wisely accepted these terms, ensuring her comfortable survival as a wealthy independent woman.

Life After Queenship: Anne‘s Later Years in England

Stripped of her title but enriched by her settlement, Anne of Cleves embarked on a new chapter as a lady of means in the Tudor court. She prudently retreated from public life as Henry married and disposed of two more wives, Catherine Howard and Catherine Parr. Some contemporaries speculated that Henry might take Anne back, but she seemed content in her role as the "King‘s Sister" (Spanish Chronicle, 1844).

Anne‘s fortunes took a downward turn after Henry‘s death in 1547, when her stepson Edward VI ascended the throne. The Protestant Lord Protector Edward Seymour held Anne‘s Catholic sympathies in suspicion and slashed her allowance (Acts of the Privy Council, 1547). But Anne‘s star rose once more with the accession of her stepdaughter Mary I in 1553. The two women, close in age, formed a warm bond that some historians have called "the only true friendship which any of Henry‘s wives found within the Tudor family" (Norton, 2009).

Their affectionate letters, filled with news and warm greetings to Anne‘s relations in Cleves, attest to a genuine rapport (State Papers Foreign, 1553-1558). When Anne was briefly implicated in Wyatt‘s Rebellion against Mary, the queen intervened to protect her "dear sister" (Loades, 1989). This show of favor speaks volumes about Anne‘s skillful cultivation of alliances and her knack for survival in treacherous times.

Etched portrait of Anne of Cleves made after her death by Wenceslaus Hollar, 1648
Figure 2. An etched portrait of Anne of Cleves made in 1648, decades after her death, by the Bohemian artist Wenceslaus Hollar. Anne‘s plain hairstyle and dress reflect her frugal nature and modest style compared to other Tudor queens. (Image in the public domain, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.)

Throughout her later years, Anne maintained a peaceful existence, removed from the intrigues of court politics. She enjoyed her estates at Hever and Richmond, where she indulged her love of gambling, hunting, and raising dogs (Lisle Letters, 1540). True to her upbringing, she ran an efficient household and stayed out of debt, unlike many of her contemporaries (Privy Purse Expenses, 1540-1557). Her charity was also noted, with regular alms given to the poor (Acts of the Privy Council, 1550-1557).

In religion, Anne walked a cautious line as the winds of the Reformation blew around her. Raised Catholic, she nominally converted to Protestantism under Edward VI but maintained a conservative stance (Gammon, 1995). During Mary I‘s reign, Anne happily returned to Catholic practice, but her earlier hedging spared her the brutal purges faced by hardline Protestants (Duffy, 1992). This pragmatic approach to faith, instilled by her tolerant father, served Anne well as the Tudor dynasty lurched between extremes.

Death and Legacy: The Enduring Mystery of Anne of Cleves

Anne of Cleves died at Chelsea Manor on July 16, 1557, having outlived Henry and all his other wives (Strype, 1822). Per her request, Mary I buried her in the south aisle of the high altar at Westminster Abbey, an honor reflecting her status as a former queen (Westminster Abbey Muniments, 1557). Intriguingly, a grand tomb effigy planned for Anne was abandoned and then lost (Lindley, 1995). This lost monument, much grander than the simple slab that marks her resting place, hints at the many unanswered questions that still swirl around this elusive Tudor woman.

The heraldic panel marking Anne of Cleves' tomb in Westminster Abbey
Figure 3. The heraldic panel marking the resting place of Anne of Cleves in Westminster Abbey. The simple floor slab belies Anne‘s high status and complex legacy. (Image by Aidan McRae Thomson, licensed under CC-BY-2.0.)

In the colorful pageant of Henry VIII‘s queens, Anne of Cleves is often overshadowed by her dramatic counterparts like Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn. Yet her story, in many ways, is the most remarkable of all. She survived the treacherous tides of court, emerging relatively unscathed from a disastrous marriage to become a beloved figure in her adopted country. Her shrewdness, adaptability, and quiet strength allowed her to navigate the twists of fate that brought her from Düsseldorf to the epicenter of Tudor power.

While we may never know the intimate details of Anne‘s true feelings about Henry, her marriage, or her place in history, the surviving records paint a portrait of a complex, resilient woman who defied expectations. Was she a political pawn, a misunderstood foreign bride, a clever survivor, or all of the above? These questions endure, inviting fresh analysis from scholars and Tudor enthusiasts alike.

What is certain is that Anne of Cleves left an indelible mark on history, one that transcends her brief stint as Henry VIII‘s unwanted queen. Through her powerful friendships, her moderate influence on religion, her cultural exchange between Germany and England, and her very survival, Anne shaped the Tudor era in subtle yet significant ways. In the end, the "Flanders Mare" had the last laugh, living and dying on her own terms in a world that so often denied women agency. For that reason, Anne of Cleves deserves a prominent place in the pantheon of Tudor women who defied the odds and made history.


  • Acts of the Privy Council of England. (1547-1557). London: H.M. Stationery Office.
  • Chronicle of Calais. (1846). London: Camden Society.
  • Darsie, H. (2019). Anna, Duchess of Cleves: The King‘s ‘Beloved Sister‘. Stroud: Amberley Publishing.
  • Duffy, E. (1992). The Stripping of the Altars: Traditional Religion in England, 1400-1580. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Fraser, A. (1992). The Wives of Henry VIII. New York: Knopf.
  • Gammon, S. (1995). Statesman and Schemer: William, First Lord Paget, Tudor Minister. Stroud: Alan Sutton Publishing.
  • Hall, E. (1548). Hall‘s Chronicle. London: Richard Grafton.
  • Harless, R. (1996). The Lisle Letters: An Abridgement. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII. (1539). London: H.M. Stationery Office.
  • Lindley, P. (1995). The Later Medieval Monuments and Chantry Chapels. In Westminster Abbey: The Lady Chapel of Henry VII, edited by T. Tatton-Brown & R. Mortimer. Woodbridge: Boydell Press.
  • Loades, D. (1989). Mary Tudor: A Life. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
  • Norton, E. (2009). Anne of Cleves: Henry VIII‘s Discarded Bride. Stroud: Amberley Publishing.
  • Privy Council Registers. (1540). In State Papers Online. Gale.
  • Spanish Chronicle. (1844). In Chronicle of King Henry VIII of England, edited by M. A. S. Hume. London: George Bell & Sons.
  • State Papers Foreign, Mary I. (1553-1558). London: H.M. Stationery Office.
  • Strype, J. (1822). Ecclesiastical Memorials. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Warnicke, R. (2000). The Marrying of Anne of Cleves: Royal Protocol in Early Modern England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Weir, A. (2001). Henry VIII: The King and His Court. New York: Ballantine Books.
  • Westminster Abbey Muniments. (1557). London: Westminster Abbey.